Detox Nation Membership
The support you need to keep making progress. Continue your healing journey with inspiration, community and discounts.
Detox Nation is the only online community that takes a root-cause resolution approach to lifelong healing.
Our monthly member only live events provide support, tools to resolve chronic symptoms, restore your vitality, and an invaluable vault of resources and processes at your fingertips.

Welcome to the Detox Nation Membership
The Detox Nation Membership is your place to continue the work you started in any Rapid Reset Program.
Based on your membership tier, you can have access to:
- Community Forum: Share the journey with people who get it and be inspired by fellow members who are working on similar issues
- Live Events: Attend a monthly Detox Nation Reset Training with Sinclair and Michael, Q and A's, and bonus events
- How-To: Advanced explanation of tools and supplements used in our practice and courses
- FAQ Library: Exclusive access to the expanded FAQ Library featuring over 1,000 Q&As
- Detox Dictionary: Exclusive access to quick explanations of terms, concepts, and tools
- Detox Nation Membership Training Center is your hub for all content, organized by season and category.
- Supplement Index: Clinical gems will guide you in understanding your toolkit, and how to take your tools further
- Discounts: Exclusive additional discounts on supplements
Connect deeper with the founders of Detox Nation:
Hey you! You already know us, Sinclair and Michael, and how we struggled for decades with our own mysterious, “untreatable” misdiagnosed conditions. We had to become our own experts at removing toxic stressors in order to heal.
Michael Spandel is Chief Science Officer and co-founder of Detox Nation, EMF trainer, and expert resolving root causes of chronic illness.
Both Sinclair and Michael began their careers helping people in mental health, and became too chronically ill to continue running their practices. Years of visiting specialists provided no answers – so Michael searched 5 continents for solutions. He discovered that heavy metals, mold, chemical exposures and EMFs had made them sick. Their health improved as they began to address these root causes. They’ve now helped thousands of clients and students to do the same.

Detox Nation Membership is the Only Online Community That Will Provide You With Ongoing Support for Issues Like:
Because nobody else "gets it"
- Chronic Digestive Issues
- Fatigue
- chronic Pain
- Skin Conditions & Rashes
- Food Sensitivities
- Liver & gb congestion
- Brain fog
- Anxiety
- easily overwhelmed
- Feeling irritable or quick to anger
- Excess weight OR underweight
- Chronic inflammation
- Parasites
- Constipation or Diarrhea
- Histamine sensitivities
- Difficulty digesting fats
- Chemical sensitivities
- Sleep issues
Is Detox Nation Membership Right for You?
- You benefited from your Rapid Reset course with Sinclair and Michael, and you want more time in a supportive community to create your lasting results.
- You've been working on your health for a while, and are committed to releasing your chronic symptoms. You want continued encouragement and problem solving on your DIY healing journey.
- You know that no one's going to do this for you. You're in the driver's seat, and you're the one that decides how good you get to have it.
- You want instant access to easy explanations, effective tools, and trusted resources, organized by topic and condition.
- You know that symptom resolution takes time, and you want support in each season of healing.
- You want to be surrounded by people who get it and are here to cheer you on! You're energized by helping others, and want to give back.
What Our Clients Are Saying
“Okay so I have been at this since January and have seen a number of flukes, pinworms, various eggs, small worms (like 2-3″” long), and some unidentifiable blobby things (biofilms maybe?) come out of me, but today… omg I’m like ready to bust out giggling and crying at the same time…
Today I had the actual literal-worm-hanging-out-of-butt moment. It was like 9″” long and I felt it slithering out, ugh… also had one earlier that was at least that big but didn’t dig in to see… I took a pic but won’t share it but OMG IT HAPPENED!!
- Beverly Carrubba
I have a weird physical job
I have a weird physical job, and my back has been hurting me, sometimes really bad, or just nagging other times, but always letting me know it’s “not happy”. But for the past week, I wake up and when I get out of bed NO PAIN, even at work during the day I feel nothing!! I cant remember in the last 15 years when this happened.
I am still bloated, skin stuff,… but my back is feeling awesome which is a MEGA WIN for me!! Now need to figure out which food i am sensitive to… I went low Oxalate, Lectins and Histamines. In a week will do my best to slowly reintegrate one category at a time and see. Thank you GUT RESET!!!
- Kiki D
I want to thank Sinclair for the MIP honor…
I want to thank Sinclair for the MIP honor – I was touched and a bit overwhelmed as it came as a total surprise. I also want to thank all who participate in this Forum. I’m finding it incredibly helpful on so many levels – learning valuable information while receiving the warmth of connection and understanding. My healing journey has been lonely and often very isolating. My partner is a wonderful person but on a totally different page with health and he can be judgmental. For many years I felt very ashamed of my health challenges, blaming them on myself since so little was known about why I was ill. I am so grateful for all of the information that is available here and so very grateful to connect with people who understand and have compassion for this journey. As layers of shame and hiding melt away, I feel in a stronger place to heal.
- Lesley Heathcote
I’m excited to share a win!
I’m excited to share a win!
Last night I did my first ionic foot bath- gross but so cool.
Today I did my first coffee enema- also gross but so cool. I could only hold for a min or so, but that’s ok. I also stopped half way through as I envisioned maybe having to repaint my bathroom walls. Then got back to it and finished the rest. Wasn’t sure what to do with the liquid at the bottom on the canister so I tried holding it up while laying on the floor- terrible idea- don’t try that. Coffee went all over me, my phone and the floor. I enjoyed the laugh and envisioned Sinclair saying get in the laughs in when you can. I took that advise.
- Valerie Roberts
I’ve had pretty dull skin for…
I’ve had pretty dull skin for… idk, probably my entire adult life. I use a nice facial care system (no makeup since my early 20’s – just wash, toner, cream) from Vermont and it will make my skin look nice for a day, but then it’s back to blah. (I don’t wash my face every day as my skin gets flaky.)
But today at church I was telling one of my lady friends about this program and she was like “wow, you know I was just thinking your skin looks brighter and clearer today than when I last saw you!” And I was like whoa dude people are noticing already that something is different with me!! (I followed with a joke about the “detox glow”, haha)
- Beverly
Aloha! Each day I feel slightly better.
Aloha! Each day I feel slightly better. I’m ok with how long this may take since I’ve had symptoms for around 5 decades
I’ve looked and looked. Tried many products, programs and protocols. Pieces were left out. Important details. There are practitioners that know, and their fees are beyond most peoples ability
So exciting to find the level of detail, excellence of research and products, comprehensive everything… YAY! Finally! Found it!
I have sooo many products I just haven’t had an idea how to put it all together
Dialed in podcast Listened to many videos
Love the breakthrough of the cross over exercise still trying to find the tapping short video Celebrating that I have answers long sought Promised myself im going to be a practitioner! Thank you, Team Detox Rejuvenation!
- Janet
Wowza! Only one week in to RGR and I had my stinkiest coffee enema ever. That’s a good thing, by the way. I’ve already been taking Cell Core products and doing coffee enemas for a year or so. Last week I switched to distilled water and added Energy minerals and MAP Aminos. Hello! Adding more new things every few days.
I’ve also had amazing energy and mental clarity. Here’s the thing. When I feel this good, I tend to slack on protocols and morph back into the tired, moody, forgetful alien that took over my life 20 years ago. I have some deep work to do and need to keep it up.
Let’s do this! Thanks everyone for all the encouragement.
- Megan Date
I am grateful for all the extremely valuable info
I am grateful for all the extremely valuable info that I have received in the courses.
I am a RN and an acupuncturist and my main quest is for knowledge.
Whereas I am officially retired as of 12/21, I still have relatives and friends with issues that I am constantly looking for answers for.
On the plus, plus side, and I hate to say this out loud, the reflux/Gerd that I have experienced since I was 23 has not occurred since shortly after I started the course in March.
Another digestive issue that I didn’t even think was an issue, also seems to have resolved. My sleep has improved as well.
I have taken numerous courses in pursuit of knowledge even in the past year.
But no where, and that includes grad school pathophysiology, have I come across the wealth and depth of material that I have obtained from these classes.
The knowledge that Sinclair and Michael have accrued and disseminated should put most of the practicing MDs to shame.
One can hope that eventually everyone will see the hold Big Pharma has on the medical profession.
But for now I will have to move on and cancel my subscription.
Much luck to you and the rest of your support team as you provide a very valuable service for all of us.
- Bonnie Ceres
Just want to send a huge thanks
Just want to send a huge thanks to the amazing support team in this program. Have been so supportive and proactive. Great team. You and Michael aren’t that bad either.
- Michael Guerra
Just got my first lab results
Just got my first lab results. Yay! I’m not crazy after all. Can’t wait to get on my treatment protocol. The future looks bright.
- Leora
I soo needed to hear this reminder.
I soo needed to hear this reminder.
Been feeling so much guilt craving meat all the time and not eating my vegetables. Now I can truly listen to my body telling me to give vegetables a break and acknowledge that many vegetables are not good for me. At this time
- Eleanor
I have had he urge to declutter
I have had he urge to declutter my house the past week…I have energy to look around me and notice the clutter!
- Lucinda Edwards
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