Ready to start your journey and heal from chronic conditions?

Beta Glucan 500

From: $149.95 every 2 months



  • Enhance overall immune function up to 2x
  • Maximize sustained general physical wellness
  • Naturally boost energy and mental clarity
  • Mitigate effects of chronic stress

Not all Beta Glucan is created equal. In today’s market, you will find dozens of Beta Glucan Products to choose from. When selecting the right Glucan for you and your family; the most important steps are to consider the Source and Purity of Your Beta-1, 3D Glucan.

Beta-1, 3D Glucan is a natural fiber molecule extracted from our source, baker’s yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae). It enhances, supports, and maintains a good healthy immune system.

It’s a naturally occurring long-chain polysaccharide purified from the cell walls of baker‚Äôs yeast. This¬†beta glucan is intensely purified. It is a biologically active complex of molecules; it is the single active ingredient in our Beta-1, 3D Glucan Capsules. A lot of times, people think we are dipping from four or five different buckets to make up our powder. This (Beta 1-3D Glucan) is the single ingredient in our compound.

This Beta Glucan is readily taken up and converted into the body through the immune cells to bind (or hook up or plug into, if you please) to a specific site on the immune cells called the CR3 receptor. CR3 stands for complement receptor number three. These receptors are found on a myriad of different immune cells which make up our white blood cells or our “immune army,” also known as macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, NK cells and others. These immune cells make up a large part of the immune system’s main defense mechanism.

Technically, Beta-1, 3D Glucan is a polybranched, polyglucose complex fiber-like particle that when converted, yields a biologically active beta glucan molecule that specifically binds to this CR3 (or sometimes called Mac1 or sometimes called CD11/C18).

Beta Glucan is actually considered an immunomodulator. For a substance or product to be an immunomodulator it cannot overstimulate or suppress your immune system. Most products which address the immune system are marketed as “immune boosters,” but that’s actually a misrepresentation of Beta Glucan. This product will never cause overstimulation or harm as it provides a healthy, safe immune response at any dosage. The same cannot be said for typical “immune boosters.” Beta Glucan makes your immune system smarter and stronger, which aids in identifying self and non-self cells better than ever before.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is [These products are] not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

What are International Orders Policy?

Due to the COVID19 pandemic shipping times may take longer than expected.

For international orders shipping options are (options are auto-populated based on geographic location):

  • USPS Priority (United States Postal Service), 6-10 days depending destination
  • USPS Express (United States Postal Service), 3-5 days depending destination

International orders are non-refundable. When ordering from our website you are considered the importer of record for all international orders and must comply with the laws and regulations of the destination country. Before you place your order, please make sure that the supplements you order are allowed into the destination country. It is your responsibility to know what can be shipped to your country and what cannot.

Please be aware that international orders may be charged additional fees, duties, and taxes by your destination country. We do not collect these fees nor do we know their actual costs. You are responsible for the payment of all fees, duties, and taxes to the responsible customs and taxing authorities, and you agree to pay all fees, fines and other costs charged to you or to us in connection with any non-compliance with laws and regulations to the destination country.

We will assist you with your order as much as we can, but we have no control over what happens with your customs clearance or designated carrier. We are not responsible if packages get returned to us, refused by customs or confiscated by customs. We are not liable for delays, losses or shipping charges.

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