International Orders:
Unfortunately this product cannot be shipped internationally. If you are outside of the US and wanting to place an order, we would recommend reaching out to the manufacturer for sourcing inquiries.
The Medical Grade HEPA used in the Austin Air Healthmate Plus effectively removes up to 99% of bacteria and aerosolized viruses* as small as 0.1 microns. It also eliminates a wide range of gases, chemicals, VOCs and formaldehyde. This broad-spectrum adsorption makes it the best choice for people exposed to smoke from wildfires and offers dentists and their patients’ protection against airborne contaminants.
Who should consider the Austin Air HealthMate Plus?
- Dentists looking to remove aerosolized viruses larger than 0.1 microns, and other contaminants from the environment
- Anyone needing an efficient way of removing wood burning smoke, formaldehyde and other dangerous VOCs
- Individuals suffering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
- Those with pre-existing health concerns
- Individuals in high particle and gas contaminated areas
Why is the HealthMate Plus the best choice for me?
- Medical Grade HEPA effectively removes 99% of airborne viruses that are 0.1 microns and larger
- Designed for highly contaminated indoor air conditions
- Extremely effective at removing particles in the air including formaldehyde, elements of smoke, dust and pollens
- Exceptional capacity for removing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
- Filters bacteria
One reason that the Austin Air HealthMate is the ideal air cleaner for a house (old or new), an office, even a classroom is because it is the best rated air purifier. The Austin Air HealthMate was selected for use in a clinical trial at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. The team monitored a group of children with asthma who were regularly exposed to second-hand smoke. The aim of the study was to determine how the use of our air filtration could help to reduce the number of times the children went to hospital. The results were clear, running one of our units in the children’s bedrooms while they slept, reduced their hospital visits by nearly 20%.
*Viruses such as the flu, covid-19, pertussis, and RSV are considered airborne viruses. The Medical Grade HEPA technology used in the Austin Air filters is proven to remove up to 99% of all airborne contaminants down to 0.1 microns.