International Orders: 
Unfortunately this product cannot be shipped internationally. If you are outside of the US and wanting to place an order, we would recommend reaching out to the manufacturer for sourcing inquiries.
Micro-BOOST‚ Ingredients:
Humic Complex, Fulvic Complex, Pure reverse osmosis, de-ionized, carbon-filtered water
Electrolyze‚ Ingredients:¬†
Fulvic Bio-Mass Minerals, Purified Reverse Osmosis De-Ionized Carbon Filtered Water
This bundle contains Micro-BOOST‚ and Electrolyze‚ which you can also purchase individually.
The Advanced Electrolyte & Micronutrient Support Set provides a full spectrum of electrolytes, trace minerals, micronutrients, amino acids and some B-vitamins, in a 100% bioavailable, ionized format. This powerful combination of Electrolyze‚ and Micro-BOOST‚ supplies important cellular nutrition and detoxification support in a liquid format that tastes like water.
The secret to the effectiveness of BEAM Products is in the completely natural, plant-based fulvic and humic complexes.
Fulvic complexes provide important transportation for nutrients into the cells and bio-waste and toxins out of the cells. Fulvic complexes boost the metabolism and provide exceptional immune system support.
Humic complexes are the champion of antioxidants! They collect free radicals and bio-waste, bind with heavy metals and provide important detoxification support by carrying these unwanted elements out of the body.