There’s a whole lot more to detoxing than juice cleanses or fad diets. In this episode, Sinclair will walk you through the top 12 myths about detoxing. By the time you walk away, you’ll know exactly what detoxing is and what it is not, and how it can help you usher in a new way of living.
[Explained] What is real Detox + 12 Myths!
In their entire academic career, doctors only get an average of SEVEN hours of environmental toxin education.
That’s why it’s not surprising to hear that the topic of detoxing is surrounded by a lot of misinformation.
When people hear the word detox, many picture someone on a juice cleanse or fad diet.
But the truth is, there’s a whole lot more to detoxing than that!
In this episode, Sinclair will walk you through the top 12 myths about detoxing that are holding you back from the health you want.
After this episode, you’ll know exactly what detoxing is and what it is not, and how it can help you usher in a new way of living.
By learning what true detox is and treating the root causes instead of silencing symptoms, you will open up a new world of possibilities for your health.
Key Ideas:
- Toxins are disrupting your body’s processes and overloading your natural detox systems.
- True detoxing treats the root causes of your health issues.
- Anyone can experience exposure to chemicals and compounds that require detoxing.
- The Herxheimer reaction, also known as the detox flu, is an indication that you don’t have the proper drainage support and binders in place to safely remove toxins.
- Why so many practitioners are missing the point and slowing down your health journey.